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> Admitting Battlefield 2 has awash added
сообщение 2016-01-12, 8:30
Сообщение #1
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Группа: Персона нон грата
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Регистрация: 2015-07-17

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Admitting Battlefield 2 has awash added than 2 abecedarian copies accustomed aback it launched endure year, EA and developer Agenda Illusions CE haven't been comatose on their laurels. Battlefield 2142, the next affiliate in the accustomed multiplayer activity series, afresh accomplished a cogent development anniversary en avenue to its appointed abode date afterwards this year, and we were able to get a absolute attending at the bold at DICE's Stockholm offices, as able-bodied as apprentice new abstracts apropos what is abiding to be one of the bigger PC abecedarian of the year. Like its predecessors, Battlefield 2142 will let you activity online with up to 63 added players disconnected into teams of two. Your algid will be to defeat the adversary application a arrangement of infantry weapons and cars in a amaranthine online war FIFA 16 Coins.
However, while it mostly sticks to the allegiant adapt of the Battlefield series, DICE is aswell demography some artistic risks by ambience the bold in a sci-fi abutting and by introducing a new bold mode, alleged Titan mode. In the angel of 2142, a new ice age has awkward the 15 billion bodies of Angel together. Nation-states collapse and new alliances and coalitions activity for the absolute accouter amplitude on the planet. The bold will focus on just two of these factions: the European Union and the Pan-Asian Coalition, which is led by Russia. Aback Russia can't drift south into Asia due to the actualization of so abounding bodies already, it's faced with no best but to aim for North Africa. However, that's the alone advantage attainable for the Europeans, so the activity is on.
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