CMS Eleanor - Поиск
Полная версия этой страницы: Официальный форум Eleanor CMS » There are free templates for the CMS
Официальный форум Eleanor CMS » Другие языки / Other languages » English
:rolleyes: Well, I'm looking for more can not find any template for the cms, or at least I do not understand how to edit, and search the site and I find it hard that no translator can translate the site, someone I can if there free or least as editing? :punish2:

sorry my bad language
You can find some templates here -

But the system is still in early development stages so there is not many templates for it.
ok thank you,
Why I canґt go on this site ?
Цитата (termit @ 2010-02-12, 1:07)
To access the download center, you must register your site in the site catalog.
where is site catalog??? :dntknw:

tnx :rolleyes: :friends:
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