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Официальный форум Eleanor CMS » Поддержка пользователей системы Eleanor CMS » Первые шаги » Разбор log ошибок
Notice: Undefined variable: id Line: 79 in file /home2/armsinfo/public_html/classes/db/db_driver_mysql.php
URL: /index.php
Date: 2009-12-23 12:11:19

Warning: mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource Line: 79 in file /home2/armsinfo/public_html/classes/db/db_driver_mysql.php
URL: /index.php
Date: 2009-12-23 12:11:19
Бага известна и в RC5 исправлена.
Notice: Undefined variable: url Line: 207 in file /../../../modules/static/plugins.php

что это значит?
MazaFale, это значит, что производится попытка прочитать несуществующую (не инициализированную) переменную.
I just cannot get this to run. All the min requirements are met. It setups the DB and then creates the user after which I get the above error message plus a lot more:
Notice: Undefined variable: run_install in /srv/www/htdocs/phpaccounts/index.php on line 30 .......
In the middle of the browser is a very large link: ENTER and when I click that the link idsappears but the text stays put.

Hope you can help.

regards, Walter Jaggli
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