CMS Eleanor - Поиск
Полная версия этой страницы: Официальный форум Eleanor CMS » Eleanor demo
Официальный форум Eleanor CMS » Другие языки / Other languages » English
So...where i can find demo of this great CMS? I came here via google :)
I would very much like to see it ;)
Цитата (pallermo @ 12.1.2009, 6:45)
So...where i can find demo of this great CMS? I came here via google :)
I would very much like to see it ;)

The Demo version available only to, but load it is impossible. Wait release :)
Цитата (xsmart @ 12.1.2009, 13:15)
Subjects, think possible to close

Because of demo is here B)
When will be released? if I may ask :dntknw:
Planned for beggining of march, not yet official date of release.
Thank you very much indeed Screatch :thank_you:
hi Im Sorry where can I download everything is Russian, they can help me please :cray: :cray: :not_i:
You can download system via this link.
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